National Biosafety Authority
Events & Activities

The National Biosafety Authority is an agency under the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology and Innovation. In combination with the mandatories, theNational Biosafety Authority has responsibilities to perform as an authority, in relation to good governance of biotechnology and its corollary biosafety. These duties are narrowed down to the benefit of the publics “you and I”

These are the duties of the Authority:

Data sharing with the Biosafety Clearing House.
Collaborate with relevant Government Departments and Universities to develop strategies in the fields of Biotechnology & Biochemistry.
Identifying Research areas that could lead to formulation of policies to foster science education and popularization of science and evolving project proposals in line with modern Biotechnology.
Liaising with the other government ministries, relevant government organizations, relevant stakeholders and relevant International Organizations.
Coordinating Biotechnology & Biosafety issues in the country to all the relevant stakeholders.
The end result of the National Biosafety authority is to provide consumers with adequate information on the products consisting of or containing Genetically modified organism to enable them make informed environmental choices due to the deliberate and accidental release of GMO’s that may have adverse effects on the environment and pose risk to human health.

contact information

National Biosafety Authority
Address: Box WY 2287 Kwabenya-, Kwabenya
Phone: 020 816 3038

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