National Biosafety Authority Announces Job Openings

The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) is pleased to announce multiple job openings to strengthen its operations and ensure the effective implementation of biosafety regulations in Ghana. These positions offer exciting career opportunities for professionals in various fields, including biosafety enforcement, laboratory operations, human resource management, public relations, and procurement. Qualified candidates are invited to apply…

2nd Global Congress On Genetic Biocontrol Technologies

The African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium (the Consortium) was established as an agreement among member organizations committed to the mission and goals to contribute to expanding African self-determination of the course of research, development, and use of genetic biocontrol approaches for controlling and eliminating malaria and other vector-borne diseases in Africa. The Consortium was officially launched…

CEO Interacts with Partners from OFAB and NCCRM

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Biosafety Authority, Mr. Kwame Dei Asamoah-Okyere on Friday October 4, 2024 played host to two (2) partner organizations – Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (OFAB) and the National Centre for the Coordination of Early Warning ad Response Mechanism (NCCRM) to discuss issues of mutual interest. The…

Two New Members Sworn into the NBA Board

The Chairperson of the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) Governing Board, Professor Yao Tettey, has formally sworn in two new members to the Board of the Authority- Mr. Kwame Dei Asamoah-Okyere, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Lawyer Vivian Opoku-Agyarkwa from the Attorney General’s Department. Mr. Asamoah-Okyere, who assumed office as CEO on September 24,…


The Human Rights Court 1 has dismissed the suit filed by Food Sovereignty Ghana, Convention People’s Party, Vegetarian Association of Ghana and Goaso Kanyan Akuafo Kuo against the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) and four (4) others over the introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms products in the country. The judgement comes after nine (9) years of…

Court Dismisses Interlocutory Injunction Application against NBA by the Food Sovereignty Ghana

HUMAN RIGHTS COURT DISMISSES INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTION APPLICATION AGAINST NBA BY THE FOOD SOVEREIGNTY GHANA FOR APPROVING REGISTRATION OF 14 NEW GM CROPS FOR FOOD, FEED AND PROCESSING The Human Rights Court 1 has dismissed the interlocutory injunction application filed by Food Sovereignty Ghana and others against the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) over the approval given…